Saturday, April 19, 2008

South Carolina

These are three things I learned in this non-interesting book:

  1. Black Beard was a real pirate.
  2. The capital is Columbia.
  3. The Yamasee natives lived in the upcountry, while the fierce Westo lived in the lowcountry.

Details of Sarah Nita (the story)

This book took place in northwestern New Mexico in the late 19th century. When Sarah Nita and her sister found their mommy, they were at Fort Sumner in southeast NM. They were at Fort Sumner because the Union Soldiers forced the Navajos to go there by walking. A lot of Navajos died along the way. Sarah Nita told the story of The Long Walk (the walk to Fort Sumner) to her daughter. Those are the details.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sarah Nita (continued)

In the end, Sarah Nita finds her parents by searching and then, at the end of the day, she and her sister see three ladies walking out of the fort, and one of them is her mommy! Her father was sick, so Sarah Nita helps her father by giving him corn that had to be washed for it was in horse dung. She marries her cousin because her cousin had protected her. It is a very good book because I like fictional diarys and this book is one! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Girl Who Chased Away Sorrow by Ann Turner

The Girl Who Chased Away Sorrow is a fiction diary of Sarah Nita, a Navajo girl. When the soldiers come, they kill Sarah Nita's mama and dadda and burn down their houses. While that is happening, Sarah Nita and her younger sister were somewhere else. Since they lost their parents, they walk to a canyon where their dad has said that family members are. That is all I have read.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Going Solo by Raold Dahl

I am reading Going Solo in class. It is about Roald Dahl. I love it. It's about when Roald Dahl has to go to Africa on business. Then they have a war with the Germans. I am only that far in the story.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Beauty and the Beast by Sarah Hines Stephens

I read Beauty and the Beast yesterday night and it is very good. It is almost like the movie. Beauty lives in a rich family and then they have to live in the country. Beauty loves the Beast just the way he is, and when Beauty tells Beast she can marry him, he turns into a prince. I loved it.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Ember ( series) by Jane DePrau

I just finished the first book of Ember. I loved it. Now I am reading the second book of Ember. It's a very , very good book. It is about a girl and a boy who find the people of Ember their real home. They can only stay there six months before they can leave.The genre is science fiction.This series is for people age 6 to grown-ups. My mommy couldn't put it down. This series is a good series.